—— 1c The following 17 guestions are worth 3 points each. ft; A programmer who develops support software is called: a) a systems analyst. b) da systems programmer. c) da support programmer. d) nan applications programmer. e) none of the above. In a system flowchart the symbol used to represent a terminal used to input data is a) ej b) d) S e) none of the above. If the number 127.48 is stored in the computer as the value for the variable AMT, the output that would result when the variable AMT is printed according to the format specification F5.2 is: a) Kkkkkak b) 127.4 m) 127.5 d) 127.48 e) none of the above. Direct access files are maintained on the following type of device. a) magnetic tape. b) magnetic access. c) magnetic character. d) mmagnetic disk. e) none of the above. Consider FORTRAN execution time diagnostics. The fact that the value of a variable to be printed was calculated by dividing by zero is indicated by prirting the following symbol in the output field: a) noi c) x 4) X e) none of the above.