Measurement Issues in MIS: Problems in measurement, development of measurement tools, psychometric issues, etc. "Development and Validation of a Tool for Measuring and Analyzing Decision Support Systems User Satisfaction, March 1984, 24 pages (S601, ANON. NO. 8). Bailey, James E., and Pearson, Sammy W., "Development of a Tool for Measuring and Analyzing Computer User Satisfaction," Management Science (29:5), May 1983, PP. 530-545. Bariff, Martin L., and Lusk, Edward J., "cognitive and Personality Tests for the Design of Management Information Systems," Management Science (23:8), April 1977, pp. 820-829. Ives, Blake, and Olson, Margrethe H., "mne Measurement of User Information Satisfaction," unpublished paper, February 1983, 37 pages. Ives, Blake, Olson, Margrethe H., and Baroudi, Jack J., "The NMeasurement of User Information Satisfaction," Communications of The ACM (26:10), October 1983, PP. 785-793. Jenkins, A. Milton, and Ricketts, John A., "Development of an Instrument to NMeasure (User Satisfaction with Management Information Systems," unpublished paper, November 1979, 26 pages. Jenkins, A. Milton, and Ricketts, JOhA A,.,: "The Development of an MIS Satisfaction Ouestionnaire: An Instrument for Evaluating (User Satisfaction With Turnkey Decision Support Systems," Indiana University Discussion Paper No. 296, August 1985, 39 pp. Also revised version, same title, December 1986, 35 PpP- Lucas, Henry C. Jr., "Measuring Employee Reactions To Computer Operations," Sloan Management Review (15:3), Spring 1974, PP. 59-67. Mathieson, Kieran, "Measuring User Satisfaction," Interfaces (16:6), November -December 1986, pp. 73-76. Robey, Daniel and Taggart, William, "Measuring Managers' Minds: The Assessment Of Style nin Human Information Processing," Academy o£ Management Review, (6:3), 1981, pp. 375-383. 68 a z in tea rea ai a TI