xx kk Xxx xx kk xx A a ee A A NA o am Dee oa ni sadni NA AN AN o, o ii Thayer, Richard H., Pyster, Arthur B., and Wood, Roger C., "Major Issues in Software Engineering Project Management," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (7:4), July 1981, pp. 333-342. Thayer, Richard H., Pyster, Arthur, and Wood, Roger C., "The Challenge of Software Engineering Project Management," Computer (13:8), August 1980, pp. 51-59. Vessey, Iris and Weber, Ron, "Some fFactors Affecting Repair Maintenance: An Empirical Study," University of Oueensland, September 1980, 40 pages. Vessey, Iris and Weber, Ron, '"Conditional Statements and Program Coding: An Experimental Evaluation," draft paper, University of O0ueensland, October 1982, 69 pages. Vessey, Iris and Weber, Ron, "Research on Structured Programming: An Empiricist's Evaluation," Department of Commerce, University of Oueensland, September 1982, 50 pages. Vessey, Iris and Weber, Ron, "Some fFactors nAffecting Program Repair Maintenance: An Empirical Study," . Communications of the ACM (26:2), February 1983, pp. 128- 134. Vessey, Iris, and Weber, Ron, "Structured Tools and Conditional Logic: An Empirical Investigation," Communications of the ACM (29:1), January 1986, pp. 48- SI: Weber, Ron, "On Programming and Psychological Research," draft paper, University of Oueensland, September 1982, 27 pages. Weinberg, Gerald M., and Schulman, Edward L., "Goals and Performance in Computer Programming," Human Factors (16:1), 1974, pp. 70-77. Yourdon, Edward, "Making The Move to Structured Programming," Datamation (21:6), June 1975, 4 pages. 46 PRENE