xx xx xx xx xx King, John Leslie, "Centralized versus Decentralized Computing: Organizational Considerations and Management Options," Computing Surveys (15:4), December 1983, pP. 319-349. King, John Leslie, and Kraemer, Kenneth L., "Evolution and Organizational Information Systems: An Assessment of Nolan's Stage Model," Communications of the ACM (2715); May 1984, pp. 466-474. King, William R., and Zmud, Robert W., "Managing Information Systems: Policy Planning, Strategic Planning and Operational Planning," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems, December 1981, pp. 299-308. Leitheiser, Robert L., and Wetherbe, James C., "A Survey of Information Centers: Services, Decisions, Problems, Successes," MISRC Working Paper, University of Minnesota, August 1984, 33 pages. Lucas, Henry C., "Alternative Structures for the Management of Information Processing," Proceedings of the Conference on the Economics of Information Processing, IBM Corporation, New York, December 1980, pp. 565-579. Lyles, Marjorie A., "Making Operational Long-Range Planning - for Information Systems," MIS Ouarterly (3:2), June 1979, pp. 9-19. Mantei, Marilyn, "The Effect of Programming Team Structures on Programming Tasks," Communications of the ACM (24:3);; March 1981, pp. 106-114. Martin, BE. W., "Critical Success Factors of Chief MIS/DP Executives," MIS Ouarterly (6:2), June 1982, pp. 1-10; and Author Comment, "Critical Success Factors of Chief MIS/DP FExecutives - An Addendum," MIS Ouarterly (6:4), December 1982, pp. 79-81. Martin, E. W., "Information Needs of Top MIS Managers," MIS Ouarterly (7:3), September 1983, pp. 1-11; and Munro, Malcolm C., From Our Readers, "An Opinion...Comments on Critical Success Factors Work," MIS ouarterly (7:3), September 1983, pp. 67-68. Martin, HE. W., "Management Information Needs of Top MIS Managers," Indiana University, School of Business, Division of Research, Discussion Paper No. 214, November 1982, 24 pages. 29 S o on ea Ee OMENIM SEE ARENA