Application Systems Implementation: All phases of gettinga system nin place, not just the implementation/conversion phase of the development /lifecycle. "Methodological Issues in Assessing Computer Application System Impacts," Review paper, July 1980, 16 pages (s601, ANON. NO. k); "The Nature of Inter-Activity Relationships In Application System Development," Review Paper, July 1983, 29 pages (s601 ANON. NO. 5). "Use of Error Analysis to Delineate and Adjust Information System Boundaries," SOS Review paper, January 1984, 44 pages (S601, ANON. No. zb. Alavi, Maryam, "An Assessment of the Prototyping Approach to Information Systems Development," Communications of the ACM (27:6), June 1984, PP. 556-563. Alavi, Maryam, "The Evolution of Information Systems Development Approach: Some Field Observations," unpublished paper, College of Business Administration, University of Houston, December, 1983, 19 pages. Alter, Steven L., and Ginzberg, Michael, "Managing Uncertainty nin MIS Implementation," Sloan Management Review (20:1), Fall 1978, PP- 23-31. Anderson, John C., Dickson, (Gary W. and Simmons, John, "Behavioral Reactions to the Introduction of a Management Information System at the U.S. Post Office: Some Empirical Observations," University of Minnesota, Graduate School of Business Administration, MISRC, Working Paper No. 72-05, March 1973, 15 pages. Bostrom, Robert P., "conflict Handling and Power in the Redesign Process: A Field Study Investigation o£ the Relationship Between Management Information Systems Users and Systems Maintenance Personnel," Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Minnesota, September 1978, 353 pages. Brancheau, James C., Vogel, Douglas R., and Wetherbe, James pija "MA Investigation of the Information Center from the User's Perspective," Data Base ezkeki z Fall 1985, pp. 4-18. Dagwell, Ron, and Weber, Ron, "Systems Designers' Models of Man: A Comparative Study," Working Paper, University of Oueensland, September 1980, 36 pages. 14