. " III. HARDWARE/ SOFTWARE s602 9. Distributed Systems: Hardware, software, management 4 s602 10. Software Engineering: Software documentation, structured programming, proof of programs, efficiency of programs, high level macros. s602 kino Computer Languages: Compilers, assemblers, translators and languages. s602 pikom: Telecommunications: digital-analog conversion, transmission over a mile, networking, error rates in lines, etc. IV. EVALUATION s601 X3. Value of Information/Information Systems: Cost/Benefit analysis, value of information for humans, , value of systems for organizations, econometrics, chargeback, etc. s601 14. Auditing of Systems: In a broader sense than in accounting, i.e. data nintegrity, systems integrity, guality control, etc. V. OTHER s602 9. Computers and the Law: Legislation and laws, Court cases, antitrust, software author protection, etc. s602 16. The Computer Industry: History, manufacturers, software houses, etc. s601 17. Decision-Making: DSS, human cognitive factors, mental processing, etc. s601/ 18. Measurement Issues in MIS: Problems in measure- s602 ment, development of measurement tools, psychometric issues, etc. s602 19. Education and MIS: MIS curriculum, Computer- Aided Instruction (CAI), etc. s601/ 20; General: All other general research issues in s602 MIS.