, OBJECTIVES OF COURSE There are four primary objectives for this seminar: 1. 'To read articles that define the current "state-of-the- art" cutting edge in the various topical areas within MIS. Upon completing these seminars, the student will understand where the frontiers of knowledge are in each of the topic areas. 2. 'To develop the student's ability to utilize the knowledge gained in S600 in eritically evaluating the readings. Upon completing these seminars, the student will be able to critically read and evaluate the MIS literature. 3. To expose the students to the diversity of topics and research methodologies in the MIS literature and the variety of journals that publish MIS articles. Upon completing these seminars, the student will know which journals typically publish what kind of research and the biases, frameworks, and paradigms that are acceptable to various publications. 4. "To help the student begin to develop possible dissertation topics. Students should continually evaluate materials in terms of potential dissertation topics. Upon completing this course, the student will understand the current frontiers of knowledge in the covered topic areas. The student will recognize the relationships between the research objectives and the research technigues employed in examining the topic area. The student will understand the current paradigms which guide the research activities in the various topic areas.