One student will be assigned primary responsibility for each reading assignment. That student will: 1. Prepare and present a five to ten minute discussion of the article; 2. Lead the subseguent class discussion; 3. Prepare a short (less than 1/2 page double spaced) abstract of the article, if no abstract is available with the article; and 4. Prepare a two to three page summary of the article including its relation to other relevant articles and the student's critigue of the research methods and technigues employed in the study. At the end of this summary and critigue, provide two to five discussion guestions. These summaries should reflect the student's knowledge of research from S600 and other courses. Summaries of research articles should be approximately 80% critigue and 20% summary. Summaries of tutorial articles should be approximately 20% critigue and 80% summary. (Items 3 and 4 are to be neatly prepared and a copY is to be distributed to each member o£ the class at a designated location by no later than 10:00 a.m. of the morning of the class.) Each student will read all assignments before the class at which they will be discussed. There will be no guizzes or examinations. The last several class periods are devoted to student presentations on MIS research in selected topical areas. The nature of S601 does not permit us to explore in-depth a topical area; rather, the course readings present a broad overview of a wide range of research topics in MIS (the same is true of£ S602). This writing project allows students to select an MIS research topic (see categorized list of research topics and papers in niš syllabus) and to write an in-depth tutorial paper that reviews the status of this field. The paper (and class presentation) should concentrate on structuring what is known on this topic and what future research needs to be done. Replication of experiments or substantiation by complementary research designs could be proposed. The model for this paper should be a paper in ACM Computing Surveys. Students are to write a 15-20 page paper on their topic, and a 1-3 page summary (the latter to be ddistributed to class members prior to the class presentation).