20. x xx xx xx xx x General: All other general research issues in: MIS. "Knowledge Based Expert Computer Systems For Accounting Related Tasks: The Case of Price Analysis," March 1984, 20 pages, (S601, ANON, NO. 8). Andersen, N. Bjorn, "Conference Review: IS Research--A Doubtful Science," in E. Mumford et al. (Editors), Research Methods in Information Systems, Elsevier Science Publications B.V. (North Holland),1985, ppP. 273-277. Antill, Lyn, "Selection of a Research Method," in E. Mumford et al. (Editors), Research Methods in Information Systems ,Elsevier Science Publications B.V. (North Holland), 1985, pp. 203-215. Arden, Bruce W., "The Computer Science and Engineering Research Study (Cosers)," Communications (Of The NACM (19:12), December 1976, pp. 670-673. Barguin, "Raymon C., and Meador, C. Lawrence, "Cultural Differences and Information Systems Technology," Sloan School Working Paper No. 1055-79, MIT, March 1979, 66 pages. Benbasat, Izak, Goldstein, David, and Mead, Melissa, "The Case Research Strategy in Studies of Information Systems," unpublished paper, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, June 1986, 35 pages. Booz, Allen and Hamilton, "Booz, Allen Office Automation Survey of Senior U.S. Systems Executives," April 1980, 29 pages. Cadwallader-Cohen, J. B., Zysiczk, W. W., and Donnelly, R. B., "The Chaostron: An Important Advance in Learning Machines," Communications of the ACM (27:4), April 1984, pp. 356-357. Churchill, Niel C., Kempsler, John H., and Uretsky, Myron, "Computer Based Information Systems For Management: A Survey," National Association of Accountants, New Nork; 1968, 167 pages. Culnan, Mary J., and Swanson, E. Burton, "Research in Management Information Systems, 1980-1984: Points of Work and Reference," MIS 9uarterly (10:3), September 1986, pp. 288-302. 72