19. Education and MIS: MIS Curriculum, Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), etc. xx Adams, David R. (Editor), "Curriculum Recommendations for Undergraduate Programs in Computer Information Systems," A Report of the Data Processing Management Association Education Foundation Executive Committee on Curriculum Development, presented at the National Computer Conference, May 1981, 40 pages. xx Carroll, John M., Mack, Robert L., Lewis, Clayton H., Grischkowsky, Nancy L., and Robertson, Scott R., "Exploring a Word Processor," Human-Computer Interaction (1), 198$, pp, 483-307. "Computer Science Education Today: A Dialogue," including "Excerpts from An Information Systems Manifesto," , by James Martin, and "DP and Academia: The Communication Gap," Communications of the ACM (28:3), March 1985, pp. 251-262. Courtney, James F., Jr., DeSanctis, Gerardine, and Kasper, George M., "Continuity in MIS/DSS Laboratory Research: The Case for a Common Gaming Simulator," Decision Science (14:1), 1983, pp. 419-439. Courtney, James Ba dr. and Jensen, Ronald diš, "Incorporating MIS/DSS Into Policy Courses Via Simulation," Prepared at the (Georgia Institute of Technology and FEmory University, Preliminary Draft, October 1978, 13 pages. lade Dickson, Gary W., Davis, Gordon B., and Hoffmann, Thomas R., "A Forecast of Future Information Technology and Its Managerial and Educational Implications," Preliminary Draft, Graduate School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1985, 17 pages. Mayer, Richard E., "The Psychology of How Novices Learn Computer Programming," Computing Surveys (13:1), -Marčh 1981, pp. 121-141. 24 McLeod, Raymond, Jr., "The Undergraduate MIS Course in A.A.C.S.B. Schools," Journal of Management Information Systems (Ii1i2), Pail 1985, pp. 73:83, - Nunamaker, Jay F., "Educational Programs in Information Systems", Communications of the ACM (24:3), March 1981, pp. 124-133. 70