Robey, Daniel, and Taggart, William, "Issues in Cognitive Style Measurement: A Response to Schweiger," Academy of Management Review (8:1), 1983, PP. 152-155. x Schweiger, David M., "Measuring Managers' Minds: A Critical Reply to Robey and Taggart," Academy of Management Review (8:1), 1983, PP- 143-151. Seward, Henry Huntington, "Measuring User Satisfaction to Evaluate Information Systems," Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Dissertation Abstracts No. 73-27545, June 1973, 302 pages. xx Straub, Detmar W., "Tnstrument Validation in the MIS Research Process," roceedings of the Annual ASAC Conference, Whistler, British Columbia, June 1-3, 1986. Taggart, William and Robey, Daniel, "Minds and Managers: On the Dual Nature of Human Information Processing and Measurement," Academy of Management Review (6:2), 1981, pp. 187-195. 69