Kai 9/11/86 Sheldrake, Rupert, "Testing a New Science of Life," Investigations (1:1), March, 1983. Skinner, B. F., "A Case History in Scientific Method," The American Psychologist (1l:5), November 1956, pp. 221-233. Susman, Gerald I. and Roger D. Everet, "An Assessment of Scientific Merits of Actions Research," Administrative Science Ouarterly (23:4), December 1978, pp. 582-603. Todd, Peter and Izak Benbasat, "Process Tracing Methods in Decision Support Systems Research: Exploring the Black Box," Working Paper No. 1140, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia, January 1986, 41 pages. Tversky, A. and D. Kahneman, "Belief in the Law of Small Numbers," Psychological Bulletin (76:2), February 1971, pp. 105-110. Van DeVall, Mark, Cheryl Bolas and Tai S. Kang, "Applied Social Research in Industrial Organizations: An Evaluation of Functions, Theory, and Methods," The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (12:2), April, May, June 1976, pp. 158-177. Waterhouse, J. H., and Peter Tiessen, "A Contingency Framework for Management Accounting Systems Research," Accounting, Organizations and Society (3:1), August 1978, pp. 65-76. Weil, Henry Birdseye, "Industrial Dynamics and MIS" in Information Systems Administration, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, New York, 1973, pp. 55-67. Wright, Gerald C. Jr., "Linear Models for Evaluating Conditional Relationships," American Journal of Political Science (20:2), May 1976, pp. 349-371. CONDUCIT OF COURSE The course will be conducted as a seminar. Each student is expected to participate in every class. The grade will be determined on the basis of the guality of the student's preparation and partici- pation (written assignments, abstracts, class discussions and term paper). One student will be assigned primary responsibility for each reading assignment. (Primary reading assignments will be made at least one week before the class in which they are due and will be recorded on the "Class Presentation Schedule".) That student will: (1) prepare and present a 10 minute discussion of the material, (2) lead the subseguent class discussion, (3) prepare a short (less than 1/2 page double spaced) abstract of the assignment, when an abstract is not provided in the original reading, and (4) prepare a one to three page summary of the material including its relation to other relevant material. (Items 3 and 4 are to be neatly prepared and a 1