9/11/86 Kendall, Kenneth E. and Charles H. Kriebel, "Contributions of the Management Sciences to the Evolution of Management Information Systems" in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 75-81. Lee, James A., "The Social Science Bias in Management Research," Business Horizons, (25:6), November-December, 1982, pp. 21-31. Munhall, Patricia L., "Nursing Philosophy and Nursing Research: In Apposition or Opposition?" Nursing Research, (31:3), May-June, 1982, pp: 176, 177, 181. Nolan, Richard L. and James C. Wetherbe, "Toward a Comprehensive Framework for MIS Research," MIS Guarterly (4:2), June 1980, pp. 1-19. Nugent, Christopher E. and Thomas E. Vollmann, "A Framework for the System Design Process," Decision Sciences (3:1), January 1972, pp. 83-109. Platt, John R., "Strong Inference," Science (146:3642), October 1964, pp. 347-353. Simon, Herbert A., "Information Processing Models of Cognition" in Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 30, Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, California, 1979, pp. 363-396. Smith, Linda C., "Citation Analysis," Library Trends (30:1), Summer 1981, pp. 83-106. Turner, Jon A., "Improving the Ouality of Information Systems Research" in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 91-97. VanHorn, Richard L., "Empirical Studies of Management Information Systems," Database (5:2,3,844), Winter 1974, pp. 172-180 (includes discussants' comments). Vitalari, Nicholas P., "The Need for Longitudinal Designs in the Study of Computing Environments", in Research Methods in Information Systems, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1985, pp. 243-263. Weber, Max, "Ideal Types and Theory Construction" in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1973, pp. 55-67.