loki ile že 9/11/86 Bronowski, J., The Ascent of Man, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1973. (448 pages) Buckley, John W., Marlene H. Buckley and Hung-Fu Chiang, Research Methodology and Business Decisions, National Association of Accountants and the Society of Industrial Accountants of Industrial Accountants of Canada, New York, New York, 1976. (89 pages) Campbell, Donald T. and Julian C. Stanley, Experimental and Ouasi-Experimental Designs for Research, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1963. (84 pages) Cattell, Raymond B. (Editor), Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Rand McNally and Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1966. (959 pages) Coulson, William R. and Carl R. Rogers, Man and the Science of Man, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1968. (207 pages) Datta, Louis-Ellin, and Robert Perloff (Editors) Improving Evaluations, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, ealifornia, 1979. (280 pages) Druckman, Daniel, Richard M. Rozelle and James C. Baxter (Editors), Nonverbal Communications: Survey, Theory and Research, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1982. (264 pages) Dunnette, Marvin D. (Editor), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1976. (1740 pages) Fienberg, Stephen E., Margaret E. Martin, and Miron L. Straf, Editors, Sharing Research Data, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1985. (225 pages) : Guilford, J.P., Psychometric Methods, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, New York, 1954. (597 pages) Haugeland, John, Editor, Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981. (368 pages) Hersen, Michael and David H. Barlow, Single Case Experimental Designs: Strategies For Studying Behavior Change, Pergamon Press, New York, New York, 1976. (374 pages) Hirsch, Paul M., Peter V. Miller and F. Gerald Kline (Editors), Strategies for Communications Research, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, 1977, (288 pages) a ke,