Keen, Peter G.W., "MIS Research: "Reference Disciplines and a Cumulative Tra- dition" (with discussion comments by A. Milton Jenkins) in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 9-18. Kendall, Kenneth E. and Charles H. Kriebel, "Contributions of the Management Sciences to the Evolution of Management Information Systems" in Proceed- of the First International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 75-81. Kriebel, Charles H. and Jeffrey H. Moore, "Economics and Management Information Systems" in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Informa- tion Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 19-31. Mock, Theodore J., "A Longitudinal Study of Some Information Structure Alterna- tives," Database, (5:2,3,6 4).Winter 1974, pp. 40-49 (includes discussion comments). Nugent, Christopher E. and Thomas E. Vollmann, "A Framework for the System De- sign Process," Decision Sciences, (3:1) January 1972, pp. 83-109. Platt, John R., "Strong Inference," Science, (146:3642) October 1964, pp. 347- Ie Shneiderman, Ben, '"Improving the Human Factors Aspect of Database Interactions," ACM Transactions on Database Systems, (3:4) December 1978, pp. 417-439. Simon, Herbert A., "Information Processing Models of Cognition" in Annual Re- view of Psychology, Vol. 30, Annual Reviews,Inc., Palo Alto, California, 19/9, pp; 303-390. Treacy, Michael E., "Toward a Behaviorally Grounded Theory of Information Value". in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems Boston, Massachusetts, December 7-9, 1981, pp. 247-257. Turner, Jon A., "Improving the Ouality of Information Systems Research" in Pro- ceedings of the First International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 91-97. VanHorn, Richard L., "Empirical Studies of Management Information Systems," Database, (5:2,3,8 4) Winter 1974, pp. 172-180 (includes discussants' com- ments). Waterhouse, J.H. and Peter Tiessen, "A Contingency Framework for Management Ac- counting Systems Research," Accounting, Organizations and Society, (3:l) August 1978, pp. 65-76. Weber, Max, "Ideal Types and Theory Construction" in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Macmillan Publishing Company,Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 496-507. Weil, Henry Birdseye, "Industrial Dynamcis and MIS" in Information Systems Ad- ministration, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc., New York, New York, 1973, pp. 55-67.