REOUIRED READINGS (others may be added during the semester) Bariff, Martin L. and Michael J. Ginzberg, "MIS and the Behavioral Sciences: Research Patterns and Prescriptions" in Proceedings of the First Inter- national Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8-10, 1980, pp. 49-58. Ben-Bassat, Moshe, Efraim Shaket and Amos Freedy, "Research into an Intelli- gent Decision Support System for (Military) Situation Assessment" in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, June 8-10, 1980, pp. 143-151. Bergmann, Gustav, "Purpose, Function, Scientific Explanation" in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Macmillan Publishing Company,Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 211-223. - Bouchard, Thomas J., Jr., "Field Research Methods: Interviewing, Ouestion- naires, Participant Observation, Systematic Observation, Unobtrusive Measures" in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psycholo ยป Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 363-413. Burris, Russell, 'Human Learning" in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 131-146. Campbell, John P., "Psychometric Theory" in Handbook of Industrial and Organ- izational Psychology, Rand McNally College Publishing Compahy, Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 185-222, Cherns, Albert B., "Models for the Use of Research," Human Relations, (25:1) February 1972, pp. 25-33. Cherns, Albert B. and Louis E. Davis, "Status of the Case as Science" in The uality of Working Life, Volume Two: Cases and Commentary, The Free Press, New York, New York, 1975, pp. 20-26. Dubin, Robert, "Theory Building in Applied Areas" in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally, College Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 17-26. Fromkim, Howard L. and Siegfried Streufert, "Laboratory Experimentation" in Hand- book of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Pub- lishing Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 415-465. Hall, Budd L., '"Participatory Research: An Approach for Change," Convergence: An International Journal of Adult Education, (8:2) June 1975, pp. 24-31. Harman, Willis, "Science and the Clarification of Values: Implications of Re- cent Findings in Psychological and Psychic Research," Journal of Humanistic Psychology, (21:3) Summer 1981, pp. 3-16. Jenkins, A. Milton, "A Program of Research to Investigate the User-System Inter- face," Discussion Paper No. 197, Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University, 1981. Ee.