18. General: All other general research issues. O "Statement Of Purpose, Structure and Research Coals For The Alfred P. Sloan School Of Management Center For Information Systems Research at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology," Mass. Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Center, Report CISR-l, May 1976, (15 pages). Arden, Bruce W., "The Computer Science and Engineering Research Study (Cosers)," Communications Of The ACM, (19:12), December 1976, pp. 670-673. —> Booz, Allen and Hamilton, "Booz, Allen Office Automation Survey of Senior U.S, Systems Executives," April 1980. s Churchill, Niel C. and Kempsler, John H. and Uretsky, Myron, "Computer Based Information Systems For Management: A Survey," National Association of Accountants - New York, A Research Study Sponsored by the National Assoc. e of Accountants, 1969, —> Courtney, James F. Jr. and Jensen, Ronald L., '"Incorporating MIS/DSS Into Policy Courses Via Simulation," Prepared at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory Univ.; Preliminary Draft, October 1978, (13 pages). (O Dickson, Gary W. and Senn, James Alan and Chervany, Norman L., "Research In Manage- € ment Information Systems: The Minnesota Experiments," Management Science, (23:9), May 1977, pp. 913-923. Feldman, Jerome A. and Sutherland, William R., "Rejuvenating Experimental Computer Science," Communications of the ACM, (22:9), September 1979, pp. 497-502. O Ives, Blake and Hamilton, Scott. and Davis, Gordon B., "A Framework For Research € In Computer-Based Management Information Systems," Univ. of Minnesota, Grad- uate School of Business Admin., MISRC, Working Paper No. 77-01, October 1976, (30 pages). ——> Kraemer, Kenneth L. and Colton, Kent W., "Policy, Values, and EFT Research: Ana- tomy of a Research Agenda," Communications of the ACM, (22:12), December 1979, pp. 660-671. » Koehn, Hank E., "Futures Research," Journal of Systems Management, (29:01), Jan- uary 1978, pp. 6-10. i ——Mason, Richard O. and Mitroff, Ian I., "A Program For Research on Management Infor- € mation Systems," Management Science, (19:5), January 1973, pp. 475-487. MeCracken, Daniel D. and Denning, Peter J. and Brandin, David H., "An ACM Exe- cutive Committee Position On The Crisis In Experimental Computer Science," Communications of the ACM, (22:9), September 1979, pp. 503-504. (O shonyo, Carolyn, "Management Information Systems. Vol. 2. November 1977, September 1978: A Bibliography With Abstracts," NTIS, 1978,