1. Information Reguirements Analysis: Definition of user reguirements via inter- views, observation, prototyping, and documentation of existing system. —>? Adams, Carl R., Schroeder, Roger G., "Current and Desired Characteristics of Information Used By Middle Managers: A Survey," University of Minnesota, Craduate School of Business Administration, MISRC, Working Paper No. 72-01, December 1972, (17 pages). —>Boland, Richard J. Jr., "The Process and Product of System Design,' Management Science, (24:9) May 1978, pp. 887-898. —>Boland, Richard J. Jr., "Protocols of Interaction in the Design of Information Systems: An Evaluation of the Role of the Systems Analyst in Determining Information Reguirements,'" Business Administration, Case Western Reserve University, June 1976, (205 pages). OBariff, Martin L., "Information Reguirements Analysis: A Methodological Review," Wharton: Department of Decision Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Phila- € delphia, W.P. 76-08-02, January 1977, (28 pages). » Bell, T.E. and Thager, T.A., "Software Reguirements: Are They Really A Problem?," Proceedings Of The 2nd International Oral Conference On Software Engineering, October 1976, pp. 61-68. [4 (OCooper, Randolph B., and Swanson, E. Burton, "Management Information Reguirements Assessment: The State of the Art," Data Base, Fall 1979, pp. 5-16. —Dandurand, Lawrence, "Applying Management Science, Communications Theory, and Marketing Research to the Design of Management Information Systems," University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Business and Economics, Depart- ment of Marketing, 1976, (16 pages). - Groner, Gabriel F. and Hopwood, Marsha D. and Palley, Norman A. and Sibley, William L., "Reguirements Analysis In Clinical Research Information Pro- cessing - A Case Study," Computer, (12:9) September 1979, pp. 100-108. (O Henderson, John C. and West, John M. Jr., "Planning For MIS: A Decision Oriented Approach," MIS Oiarterly, (3:2) June 1979, pp. 45-58. » Macintosh, Norman B. and Daft, Richard L., "User Department Technology and Infor- mation Design, Information And Management, (1:3) May 1978, pp. 123-131. O Mahapatra, Sitikantha, "Dynamics For Establishing The Flows of Information Needed C For Effective Planning, Administration and Control," Graduate School of Business Administration, Case Western Reserve University, Dissertation Abstracts No. 74-16503, January 1974, (233 pages). (OMunro, Malcolm C. and Davis, Gordon B., '"Determining Management Information Needs: A Comparison of Methods," University of Minnesota, Graduate School of Business Administration, MISRC, Working Paper No. 75-04, December 1974, [ (27 pages), (See Errata Note In MIS Ouarterly (1:9) pe. 78).