ie COURSE TOPICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Management Information Systems is a broad multifaceted discipline. In order to provide some structure for examining the research being conducted within the field the research has been classified into five broad categories; design, management and organization, hardware and software, evaluation and other. The following eighteen subcategories have been identified within these categories: MIS RESEARCH TOPICS I. DESIGN GD) RELA 63. 4 —.. TI. D- 6. Information Reguirements Analysis: Definition of user reguirements via.. interviews, observation, prototyping, and documentation of existing system. Application Systems Implementation: All phases of getting a system in place, not just the implementation/conversion phase of the development lifecycle; Structured Design Technigues: Information Algebra, SOP, ADS, ISDOS, TAG, etc. User-System Interface: Focus on man machine interace, human engineering, e.g. dataentry/output, color-graphics, natural language, inguiry, menus of report options, etc. : MANAGEMENT 8 ORGANIZATION Computing Operations Management: DP Management, use of performance monitors, operations personnel, "production" focus. Z MIS Management: Administration of MIS function, project management. G) Data Management: Data Base Administration, library functions, etc. 68. IIL. —329. 10. 1l. i2. IV,. —>13. —>214. 15. 16. 17. 18. Impact of Computer Technology on Organizations: Impact on structure of organi- zations, on jobs, sociotechnical issues. HARDWARE/ SOFTWARE Distributed Systems: Hardware, software, management Software Engineering: Software documentation, structered programming, proof of programs, efficiency of programs, high level macros. Computer Languages: Compilers, assemblers, translators and languages. Telecommunications: Digital-analog conversion, transmission over a mile, net- working, error rates in lines, etc. EVALUATION Value of Information/Information Systems: Cost/Benefit analysis, value of information, for humans value of systems for organizations, econometrics, chargeback, ete. Auditing of Systems: In a broader sense than in accounting, data integrity, systems integrity, guality control, etc., OTHER Computers and the Law: Legislation and laws, court cases, antitrust, etc. The Computer Industry: Decision-Making: General: All other general research issues. History, manufacturers, software houses, etc. DSS, Human cognitive factors, mental processing, etc.