-36- Kaplan, Abraham, 'Measurement in Behavioral Science", in Readings in the Philosophy of the Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 601-608. Mitroff, Iam I. and Francisco Sogasti, "Epistemology as General Systems Theory: An Approach to the Design of Complex Decision Making Experiments", Philosophy of the Social Science (3:2) June 1973, pp. 117-134. Mock, Theodore J., "A Longitudinal Study of Some Information Structure Alternatives", Database, (5:2,3,84), Winter 1974, pp. 40-49 (includes discussion comments). Nugent, Christopher E. and Thomas E. Vollmann, "A Framework for the System Design Process", Decision Sciences, (3:1) January 1972, pp. 83-109. Shapere, Dudley, '"Critigue of the Paradigm Concept", in Theories in Contemporary Psychology, Second Edition, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1976, pp. 53-61. Shneiderman, Ben, "Improving the Human Factors Aspect of Database Interactions", ACM Transactions on Database Systems, (3:4) December 1978, pp. 417-439. Simon, Herbert A., "Information Processing Models of Cognition" in Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 30, Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, California, 1979, VanDeVall, Mark, Cheryl Bolas and Tai S. Kang, "Applied Social Research in Industrial Organizations: An Evaluation of Functions, Theory, and Methods", The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, (12:2) April-May-June 1976, pp. 158-177. Waterhouse, J.H. and Peter Tiessen, "A Contingency Framework for Management Accounting Systems Researc "7" Accounting, Organizations and Society, (3:1), August 1978, pp. 65-76. Weil, Henry Birdseye, "Industrial Dynamics and MIS", in Information Systems Administration, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, New York, PP . 55-67 Hi There are no supplemental readings for the second half of the semester.