miki SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS, THESIS PROPOSAL GROUP There are no supplemental readings for this group. SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS, RESEARCH GROUP The following readings supplement the first half of the semester: Argyris, Chris, "Single Loop and Double Loop Models in Research on Decision Making", Administrative Science Ouarterly, (21:3) September, 1976, pp. 363-375, and Cohen, Michael D., "Reply to Argyris", pp. 376-377. Bergmann, Gustav, "Purpose, Function, Scientific Explanation", in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., INu, New York, New York, 1968, pp. 211-223. Brodbeck, May, "Explanation, Prediction, and 'Imperfect' Knowledge", in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 363-398. Brodbeck, May, "Models, Meaning and Theories", in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 579-600. Burris, Russell, "Human Learning", in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 131-146. Campbell, John P., "Psychometric Theory", in Handbook of Industrial and Organi- zational Psychology, Rand McNally Codlege Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1976, pp. 185-222. Cherns, Albert B., "Models for the Use of Research", Human Relations, (25:10) February 1972, pp. 25-33. Davis, Louis E. and Albert B. Cherns, "Status of the Case as Science", in The Ouality of Working Life, Volume Two: Cases and Commentary, The Free Press, New York, New York, 1975, pp. 20-26. Dunn, William N., and Fredric W. Swierczel, '"Planned Organizational Change: Toward Grounded Theory", The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, (13:2) April, May, June 1972, pp. 135-157. Hall, Budd L., "Participatory Research: An Approach for Change", Convergence: An International Journal of Adult Education, (8:2) June 1975, pp. 24-31. Heller, Frank A., "Group Feedback Analysis: A Method of Field Research", Psychological Bulletin, (72:2) August 1969, pp. 108-117. Hopwood, Anthony G., "Accounting Research and World of Action", Accounting Organizations and Society, (3:2) October 1978, pp. 93-95.