»Žie Software Engineering: Software documentation, structured programming, proof of programs, efficiency of programs, high level macros. Anderson, Henry W. and Yerke, Theodor B., "Computer Documentation and Retrieval of Hydrologic Information for Small Research Groups or Individuals," Prepared at the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Calif., January 1974, (7 pages). Cooke, Lawrence H. Jr., "Programming Time Vs. Running Time," Datamation, (20:12), December 1974, pp. 56-58. Gannon, J.D., "An Experimental Evaluation of Data Type Conventions,' Communications Of The ACM, (20:8), August 1977, pp. 584-597. Henschen, L. and Overbeek, Ross and Wos, L., "A Theorem-Proving Language For Ex- perimentation," Communications O£ The ACM, (17:6), June 1974, pp. 308-314, Myers, Glenford J., "A Controlled Experiment In Program Testing And Code Walk- throughs/Inspections, " Communications of the ACM, (21:9), September 1978, pp. 760-768. Rubin, Frank, "Experiments In Text File Compression,'" Communications Of The ACM, (19:11), November 1976, pp. 617-623. Slagle, James, "Experiments With Some Algorithms That Find Central Solutions For Pattern Classifications," Communications Of The ACM, (22:3), March 1979, Vessey, Iris.and Weber, Ron, "Some Factors Affecting Program Repair Maintenance: An Empirical Study," Draft paper, Dept. of Commerce, Univ. of Oueensland, Australia, November 1979. Yourdon, Edward, "Making The Move To Structured Programming,'" Datamation, (21:6), June 1975, pp. 52-54 and 56.