sj ie User-System Interface: Focus on man machine interace, human engineering, e.8. data entr$/output,color-graphics, natural language, inguiry, menus of report options, etc. "Human Factors: Where Do We Go From Here," Session Report No. S157 of the Share Conference, March 15-10, 1978, Denver, Colorado, (4 pages). Alter, Steven L., "Why Is Man-Computer Interaction Important For Decision Support Systems," Interfaces, (7:2), February 1977, pp. 109-115. Carlisle, James H., '"Comparing Behavior At Various Computer Display Consoles In Time-Shared Legal Information," Prepared for the Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif., NTIS No. AD 712 695, September 1970. Carlson, Eric D. and Bennett, J.L. and Giddings, G.M., and Mantey, P.E., "The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Geo-Data Analysis and Display System," Prepared by the IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, Calif., North-Holland Publishing Co. 1974, (5 pages). Denes, Peter B., "Computer Graphics In Color," Bell Laboratories Record, (52:5), Dunlop, Robert A., "Some Empirical Ouestions on the Man/Machine Interface Ouestion Management Information Systems: Progress and Perspectives,'" Carnagie-Mellon University Press, 1971, pp. 219-251. 'Contained in Set of Readings for Course MIS 5-101, Winter 1974. Walther, George Howard, '"The On-Line User-Computer Interface: The Effects of Inter- face-Flexibility, Experience, and Terminal Type on User-Satisfaction and Per- formance," University of Texas at Austin, Dissertation Abstracts No. 74-5344, 1973, (240 pages). Frazier, T.W. and Fritz, J., "Task Dependent Fatigue of CRT Terminal Operators," Session Report No. S155 of the Share Conference, March 5-10, 1978, Denver, Colo., (9 pages). Keele, Steven W., "Effects of Input and Output Modes on Decision Time,' Journal Of Experimental Psychology, (85:2), August, 1970, pp. 157-164. Lucas, Henry C. Jr., "The Use of an Interactive Information Storage and Retrieval System in Medical Research," Communications of the ACM, (21:3), March 1978, pP., 197-205. MeCrossin, J.M. and O'Hara, R.P.and Koster, L.R., "A Time-Sharing Display Terminal Session Manager," IBM Systems Journal, (17:3), July 1978, pp. 260-275. Musgrave, J.F., '"Experiments In Computer-Aided Graphic Expression,' IBM Systems Journal, (17:3), July 1978, pp. 241-259. Swanson, Burton E., "A Note On Interpersonal Information System Use," Information And Management, (1:6), December 1978, pp. 287-294. Zmud, Robert Walter, "Toward An Understanding of the Computer Center/User Interface," Graduate School of Business Administration, The University of Arizona, Disser- tation Abstracts No. 74-20254, March 1974, (178 pages).