ยป10.- Application Systems Implementation: All phases of getting a system in place, not just the implementation/conversion phase of the development lifecycle. Alter, Steven L. and Ginzberg, Michael, "Managing Uncertainty in MIS Implementation,' Sloan Management Review, (20:1), Fall 1978, pp. 28-31. Anderson, John C. and Dickson, Gary W. and Simmons, John, "Behavioral Reactions To The Introduction Of A Management Information System At The U.S, Post Office: Some Empirical Observations,'" University of Minnesota, Graduate School of Business Administration, MISRC, Working Paper No. 72-05, March 1973, (15 pages). Bostrom, Robert P., "Conflict Handling and Power in the Redesign Process: A Field Study Investigation of the Relationship Between Management Information Systems Users and Systems Maintenance Personnel," Graduate School of Business Adminis- tration, University of Minnesota, September 1978, (353 pages). Dickson, Gary W. and Simmons, John K. and Anderson, John C., "Behavioral Reactions to the Introduction of a Management Information System: Some Empirical Obser- vations,'" University of Minnesota, Graduate School of Business Administration, MISRC, Working Paper No. 69-3, 1969, (19 pages). Engel, G.H. and Groppuso, J. and Lowenstein, R.A, and Traub, W.G., "An Office Communications System," IBM Systems Journal, (18:3), June 1979, pp. 402-431, Friedman, Herman P. and Waldbaum, Gerald, '"Evaluating System Changes Under Un- controlled Workloads: A Case Study,'" IBM Systems Journal, (14:4), 1975, pp. 340-352, Gibson, Harry L., "Determining User Involvement," Journal of Systems Management, (28:8), August 1977, pp. 20-22, Gibson, Cyrus F., "A Methodology For Implementation Research For Publication In Implementing Operations Research/Management Science: Research Findings and Implications," June 1974, (34 pages). Gremillion, Lee Louis III, "Managing Organizational Learning In Implementing Computer-Based Systems," Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Division of Research, Boston, Working Paper No. 78-32, 1979 (23 pages). Hurd, Charles P., and Turner, Jon A., '"Achieving Consensus On System Reguirements," Proceedings from CAUSE National Conference, 1975, Keen, P.G.W., "Implementation Research in OR/MS and MIS: Description vs. Prescrip- tion," Research Paper No. 390, Graduate School of Business, Stanford lUniv- versity, 1977. Lucas, Henry C. Jr., "An Empirical Study of a Framework for Information Systems," Decision Sciences, (5:1), January 1974, pp. l02-114, Lucas, Henry C. Jr., "Empirical Evidence For A Descriptive Model Of Implementation," MIS Guarterly, (2:2), June 1978, pp. 27-42. Lucas, Henry C. Jr., '"Measuring Employee Reactions To Computer Operations," Sloan Management Review, (15:3), Spring 1974, pp. 59-67.