IV. 13. 16. V. 15. 16. 17. 18. ajo EVALUATION Value of Information/Information Systems: Cost/Benefit analysis, value of information for humans, value of systems for organizations, econometrics, chargeback, etc. Auditing of Systems: In a broader sense than in accounting, data integrity, systems integrity, guality control, etc., OTHER Computers and the Law: Legislation and laws, court cases, antitrust, etc. The Computer Industry: History, manufacturers, software houses, etc. Decision-Making: DSS, human cognitive factors, mental processing, etc. General: All other general research issues. These categories are not mutually exclusive and the boundaries between classi- fications are freguently fuzzy. This schema is intended to facilitate the students examination of MIS research and is not intended as a normative taxonomy. The fol- lowing course bibliography is organized seguentially by research topic.