Sai Simon, Herbert A., The New Science of Management Decision, Harper and Row, Pub- lishers, New York, NY, 1960 (50 pages). Simon, Herbert A., The Sciences of the Artificial, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1969, (123 pages). REOUIRED READINGS, THESIS PROPOSAL GROUP Allen, William, "Locating Buffer Inventory in a Material Distribution System That Uses Firm Resupply Orders,'" a dissertation proposal prepared at Indiana University, Mar., 1979, (42 pages). Carlis, John V., "An Investigation Into the Modeling and Design of Large, Logi- cally Complex, Multi-User Databases," a dissertation proposal prepared at the University of Minnesota, Mar. 1977, (40 pages). Guimaraes, Nester, "An Analysis of the Association Among Situational Variables and Application Life Pattern,'" a dissertation proposal prepared at the Uni- versity of Minnesota, Jan., 1979, (19 pages). Weber, Ron, "A Study of Some Effects of Using 'Simulation to Evaluate Internal Control on the Audit Decision Process," a dissertation proposal prepared at the University of Minnesota, Apr., 1976, (27 pages). White, Clinton, "The Effects of Aggregating Accounting Numbers on the Decision Making Behavior of Managers," a dissertation proposal prepared at Indiana University, Oct., 1980,(50 pages). REOULRED READINGS, RESEARCH GROUP The following readings will be used in the first half of the semester: Bouchard, Thomas J. Jr., "Field Research Methods: Interviewing, Ouestionnaires, Participant Observation, Systematic Observation, Unobtrusive Measures'" in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Pub: Co., Chicago, I11., 1976, pp. 363-413. Dubin, Robert, "Theory Building in Applied Areas,'" in Handbook of Industrial and . Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally, College Pub. Co., Chicago I1l., 1976, pp. 17-26. Fromkim, Howard L. and Siegfried Streufert, "Laboratory Experimentation," the Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rand McNally College Pub. Co., Inc., Chicago, I1l., 1976, pp. 415-465. Jenkins, A.M., "Review of the Relevant Literature," in An Investigation of Some Management Information System Design Variables and Decision Making Performance: A Simulation Experiment, University of Minnesota, Mar. 1977, pp. 13-51. Jenkins, A.M., "The Research Framework,'" in An Investigation of Some Management Information Systems Design Variables and Decision Making Performance: A Simulation Experiment, University of Minnesota, Mar., 1977, pp. 52-69.