s COURSE SYLLABUS S798 RESEARCH SEMINAR IN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Second Semester 1980-81 CLASS Time: Monday 2:30-5:30 Place: Business Building, Room 404 INSTRUCTOR Name: Milt Jenkins office: 670B Business Building Office Hours: M,TI: 9:00-12:00 and by appointment Office Phone: 337-8449 ; Home Phone: 332-4136 CONDUCI OF COURSE The course will be conducted as a seminar. Each student is expected to participate in every class. The grade will be determined on the basis of the guality of the student's participation. There will be no guizzes or examin- ations. Since this course is offered to two different groups of students with different needs, the class will be divided into two groups: the thesis pro- posal group and the research group. The thesis proposal group will be com- posed of MIS/DBA majors and MIS/DBA minors who have completed S601 and S602. The research group will be composed of MIS/DBA minors who have not completed S601 and S602 as part of their minor reguirement. "The conduct of the course and the topic coverage for each group are different and are discussed below and illustrated on the assignment sheets (pages 41-50). This schedule is intention- ally incomplete. Depending on the interests and knowledge levels in the class, modifica- tions to this schedule will be made. Additional readings and exercises may be included and the seguence of topics may be altered. Finally, the time, date and location for some class meetings may be changed to accomodate visitors. It is therefore important that you bring this syllabus to each class meeting to record any additions or changes. Conduct of the course for the thesis proposal group: The first third of the semester will be spent in critically reading and evaluating sample thesis proposals and in developing a complete topic analysis for the student's own proposal thesis topics. One student will be assigned primary responsibility for each reading (of a proposal) assignment. That student will: 1) prepare and present a 20-30 minute discussion of the material, 2) prepare a one to three page critical evaluation of the proposal, and 3) lead the subseguent class dis- cussion of the proposal. Item 2 is to be neatly prepared and a copy is to be distributed to each member of the class. Each student will work independently (with the instructor) on their individual topic analysis report. The student will distribute a copy of their topic analysis to each member of the class one week before he/she is scheduled to present their topic analysis to the class. For the remaining two-thirds of the semester each student will work indepen-