Admission Reguirements Oualified students with well-defined career objeobives may enter the graduate program directly from a baccalaureate program with the intention of working toward the doctoral degree, and their work will be planned accordingly. Previous work in calculus is a prereguisite for admission, and additional work in mathematics, science, or engineering is desirable. Admission is based obuti individual's gualifications as evidenced by the application, official transeripts, scores on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam, GRE, and recommendations. Financial Support Financial support is available in several forms to doctoral students. Appointments as teaching assistants currently include a stipend of $6500 for the academic year for gualified first-year students and 6800-7300 for second- and third-year students. Duties include teaching two 3-hour courses or their eguivalent each semester. Teaching assistants also receive Fee Remission Seholarships covering all fees. The current value of this fee remission is $1280. The Sehool also awards a number of fellowships as supplements to teaching assistants with outstanding academic records and strong potential fi doetoral work. Aditional support is available from fellowships funds by external agencies. Ample summer teaching opportunities are available (as are full-time summer research grants). "The summer stipend for teaching one course. is currently $1500. jTaplber/8/17/83.