Application Production planning and inventory control systems Production and operations poliey Strategic planning Manufacturing systems Forecasting SARE) economics Organizational Decision Behavior: Management information systems Computer processing methods ifoenakica system applications Satana int Operations Management, including such topics as: PE control, job shop scheduling, location of facilities, inventory theory, and material z k redeata planning, and production planning. Behavioral Science, including topics such as collective decision-making, organizational theory, policy and strategy, individual decision processes, problems of decision implementation, human information processing, theories of motivation, and negotiation. Information Nana. ineluding topies such as data base management systems, development and use of information systems, delilne and use of computer graphics, and information systems hardware and software technology. Ouantitative Methods, including topics such as integer programming, non- linear programming, stochastic processes, time series analysis, statistical > models, gueueing systems, and Markov Processes. jTdplber/8/17/83