performance. This area utilizes giiantitakive methods, behavioral science, and management information systems technology. Behavioral Science - Individual behavior in organizations, group processes, organization theory and design, and strategic planning. These areas include elements of information processing and decision-making, and utilize formal models, theory, and statistical analysis. č Ouantitative Methods - The development of analytical approaches to nalcire decisions and modeling problems in organizations. The emphasis is to develop methodology for sbiride a wide range of problems in the funetional areas of business and in related areas of industrial PA ENE economics, medicine, ete. | | Each program generally reguires four years of study beyond the bachelor's level, including basic work in the funetional areas of business administration, economies, human behavior and organizations, mathematies, statistics, and computer science. Advanced work includes the following subjects: Theory Operations research Ouantitative systems analysis Mathematical programming Stochastic processes Systems simulation Statistical inference and decisions Group processes in Administration Organizational design and operation jTdpiber/8/17/83