nej Rem me a A O RN GM an i Ptn la ah KE a a o STAN a a nja a V be: 1 « University of Iowa College of Business Administration Doctoral Program in Management | abaca Management Sri poobe is concerned with complex managerial decision-making systems. It inobidea the development of guantitative models, utilizing Computer technology, creating data base systems, and examining the behavioral attributes of work in organizations. These areas share a common concern to improve the produetivity of resources in managing production and operations systems, a common information systems and model building orientation, and a commitment to improve the actual practice of management in organizations. Long run solutions te the major social issues of euployee satisfaction, achieving PRGMataE njen ehange, ioteriilih management, and improving manufacturing competitiveness make a major in management science PARI significant.Persons rasa the Ph.D. in Business Administration degree with field in Management Science as a major will be able to contribute to the - solution of these problems. Major Areas Operations Management--The design, planning, and control of activities involved in the transformation of resources into goods and services. This area utilizes guantitative methods, management information systens technology, strategic planning concepts, and industrial engineering methodology within a problem orientation. A TAN Information Systems--The analysis, design, and management of information systems to support Organizational decision-making. This area is concerned zk | with interrelationships between management and the computer technology used to design and implement information systems that improve organizational jfdplber/8/17/83