CONDUCT OF COURSE The course will be conducted as a seminar. Each student is expected to participate in every class. The grade will be determined on the basis of the guality of the student's participation. One student will be assigned primary responsibility for each reading assignment.. (Primary reading assignments will be made at least one weck before the class in which they are due aad will be recorded on the "Class Presentation Schedule".) That student will: 1) prepare and present a 19 minute discussion of the material, 2) lead the subseguent class discussion, 3) prepare a short (less than 1/2 page double spaced) abstract of the assign- ment, and 4) prepare a one to three page summary of the material including its relation to other relevant material. (Items 3 and 4 are to be neatly prepared and a copy is to be distributed to each member of the class.) Each student will read all assignments before the class on which it is due, There wi!) be no guizzes or examinations. Pages 12 through 15 illustrate the plan for this course. 'fhis schedule . is intentionally incomplete.. Depending on the interests and knowledge levels in the class, modifications to this schedule will be made. Additional read- ings and exercises may be included and the seguence of topics may be altered. Finally, the time, date and location for some class meetings may be changed to accomodate visitors. It is therefore important that you bring this syllabus to each class meeting to record any additions or changes, Page 8 presents a model of the research process in the context of the Management Information Systems Field. This model is a useful framework on which to "hang" the materials covered in this course. These materials will deal with 1) the research process and its elements, 2) the MIS Field System and 3) the environment. ?Particular attention will be focused on defining the boundary between the MIS Field System and its environment. "This model will be discussed during the first class meeting.