SUPPLENENTAL READINGS Argwris, Chris, "Single Loop and Nouble Loon Models in Research on Decision Decision Making," Administrative Science Ouarterly, (21:3) September 1976, pp 363-375, and Cohen, Michael D., "Reply to Argyris," pp. 376-377. Brodbeck, May, '"Explanation, Prediction, and ' Imperfect' Knowledge," in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 363-398. Brodbeck, May, "Models, Meaning, and Theories," in Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 579-600. Dunn, William N., and Fredric W. Swierczel, "Planned Organizational Change: Toward Grounded Theory," The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, (13:2) April, May June 1972, pp. 135-157, Hopwood, Anthony G., "Accounting Research and the World of Action," Accounting Organizations and Society, (3:2) October 1978, pp. 93-95. Kaplan, Abraham, "Measurement in Behavioral Science," in Readings in the Philo- sophy of the Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1968, pp. 601-608. Mitroff, Iam I. and Francisco Sogasti, '"Epistemology as General Systems Theory: An Approach to the Design of Complex Decision Making Experiments," Philosophy of the Social Science (3:2) June 1973, pp. 117-134. VanDeVall, Mark, Cheryl Bolas and Tai S. Kang, "Applied Social Research in Industrial Organizations: An Evaluation of Functions, Theory, and Methods," The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, (12:2) April-May-June 1976, pp. 158-177.