Man | COURSE SYLLABUS s602 Section 5160 . RESEARCH TOPICS IN MIS First Semester 1980-81 CLASS | Time: Tuedday 1:30-4:30 Place: Business Building, Room 208 INSTRUCTOR Name: - Milt Jenkins Office: 670B Business Building Office Hours: M,T s W 9:00-11:00 and by appointment Office Phone: 337-8449 Home Phone: 332-4136 REOUIRED MATERIALS There is no known text material for this course. Reading material for the course will be selected from the course topical bibliography. The precise articles to be covered during the semester will be determined during the first two weeks of the semester. CONDUCT OF COURSE The course will be conducted as a seminar. Fach student is expected to par- ticipate in every class. The grade will be determined on the basis of the guality of the student's participation. One student will be assigned primary responsibility for each reading assign- ment. "That student will: 1) prepare and present a l0 minute disucssion of the article, 2) lead the subseguent class discussion, 3) prepare a short (less than 1/2 page double spaced) abstract of the assignment, and 4) prepare a one to three page summary of the material including its relation to other relevant material and the student's critigue of the research methods and technigues employed in the study. (Items 3 and 4 are to be neatly prepared and a copy is to be distributed to each member of the class.) Each student will read all assignments before the class on which it is due. There will be no guizzes or examinations. OBJECTIVE OF COURSE Upon completing this course the student will understand the current frontiers of knowledge in most of the topic areas within the MIS field. The student will recognize the relationships between the research objectives and the research tech- nigues employed in examining the topic area. The student will understand the cur- rent paradigms which guide the research activities in the various topic areas.