6D (10 pts) 15. Consider the following six data cards. Field Name: Employee No. Dept. No. Operation Code- Hours Worked Pay Amt. Card Colunns: 1-6 9-11 12-15 16-18 19-23 Card 1: 042222 343 9901 10,3 40,75 Card 2: 715000 uno o m 8,2 28,00 Card 3: 224887 415 9901 14,0 63,40 Card 4: 042222 102 4127 aa MI Card 5: 224887 343 1523 16,0 80,00 Card 6: 042222 343 9901 12,5 87, 50 Including headings, show the following summary report produced from the above six data cards: Pay Amount by Department Number.