14. In Lab 7.3 we were given a set of N rate table cards containing Killowatt hours used, a constant and the rate for that rate step. The layout of the rate cards is Card Columns Description 1-4 KWH used (XXXX,) 5-8 Constant (XX,XX) 9-12 Rate (,XXXX) The number N<20 of cards in the rate table is punched in columns l and 2 of a parameter card that precedes the table deck. An array NUM is used to count the number of bills computed in each rate step. (9 pts) a) Write the FORTRAN statements reguired to begin this program, read the table cards and establish the table composed of the arrays USE, (Killowatt hours used), C (Constant) and R(Rate), and to initialize the array NUM to zero. či ai a. For ai NENEE | Mu E 5 Z! (7 pts) b) In Lab 7.3 we read a card from which we computed the usage U. Write the FORTRAN statements reguired to look up the usage U in the rate table and calculate the bill BILL by adding the constant from the table to the usage U times the rate from the table. Also, add I to the corresponding element of the array NUM to count the bills in that rate step.