10: il. 2D Multiprogramming can be described as: a. using several procedure oriented languages at once. b. switching control back and forth among different programs in memory. c. reading data cards from several locations around campus. d. using the same program multiple times by use of parameter cards. e. none of the above. Those individuals who write and maintain support software are called: a. applications programmers. b. FORTRAN programmers. C. support programmers. d. systems programmers. e. none of the above. Which of the following statements is incorrect FORTRAN? a. WRITE (6,100) TAX(I), IDN$ (I42) b. NGW < IND (6,K) t 5 c. DIMENSI$N TEN (1), IUK (I) d. READ (5,20) ISSN (N), RATE (2%K) e. none of the above. The specialist who specifies reguirements for a data processing system and designs the system is called a . systems coordinator. system designer. systems analyst. systems programmer. e. none of the above. OO0OoBb In a table look-up, the guantity (such as a rate or price) we wish to obtain from the table is called the a. function value. b. table number. c. argument value. d. search argument. e. none of the above. Which of the following correctly presents the relationship between a system flow chart and a program flow chart? a. [In a system flow chart the computer processing symbol corresponds to a complete program flow chart. b. In a program £low chart each outline symbol represents a complete program, while in a system flow chart the outline may represent processings steps, media or devices. c. In a system flow chart the arrows represent procedures, while ina program flow chart they represent the flow of electrons in the wires of the computer. d. In a system flow chart the outline symbols represent devices, while in the program flow chart they represent steps in a computer program. e. none of the above.