1D You are given the FORTRAN statement DIMENSIGN CALF(3,15),C4W(70) ,BULL(5,6) How many positions in memory are reserved by this statement? OOoEBb e. 145 none of the above. When using canned programs (such as the BMD package) we adapt a specific program from the package to our needs and specify the layout of input data cards by means of AONODOB» 2. control cards. parameter cards. layout cards. FORTRAN statements. none of the above. The system flow chart symbol for computer processing is e. b. d. none of the above. Which of the following is not a function of the operating system? . Pp a0Orb In Detecting syntax errors. Controlling multiprogramming. Allocating hardware resources. Providing access to software resources. none of the above. the table look-up on less than or egual to, exit from the loop occurs when: the search argument is less than or egual to the value of the argument array. the value of the argument array is less than or egual to the value of the function array. the search argument is less than or egual to the value of the function array. : the search function is less than or egual to the value of the function array. none of the above.