(12 pts) bl) Once the above is completed we enter into the main loop of the program. Here we will read customer data cards with the following layout. Card Columns Description 1-24 : Customer name (alphanumeric) . 27-50 Customer address (alphanumeric) 53-55 Classification (integer) (A negative 99 has been placed in columns 53-55 on the last card.) Use a table look-up to find the appropriate classification. Count the. number of customers that fall into this category, then compute the customer's bill (bill < payment % discount rate). It is important to note that for each classification there is a corresponding discount that must be applied to arrive at the proper payment due. On every other line, print the customer's name, skip l0 spaces, write the address, skip 10 spaces and write their bill. Thus you are to write all the program statements from reading the data card down through and including branching back to read another card. h il H | | | | | | (7 pts) b2) Design a flowchart on the following page for, this part of the program.