8. (6 pts) 9. 10. (4 pts) (4 pts) (6 pts) (4 pts) 11. Which one of the following does the operating system not do? a) 'Controls operation of all hardware and software. b) Controls multiprogramming - (the switching back and forth among the several programs stored in memory). c) (Gather user statistics. d) 'Starts and stops jobs. e) Translates programs into machine language. Consider a table composed of an array INUM of item numbers, an array PRICE of prices, and an array CGST of unit costs. We wish to look for the value of the variable NUM in the item number array so as to determine its price and unit cost. NUM is called the s INUM is called the s PRICE and CGST are called s Find the values of the indicated variables after the following statements have been executed. a) X < 20 DG 5l I < 1,6 XI