Each of the following 8 guestions counts 2 points. 1. The ACCGUNT card which weused in each of our lab programs is an example of what language? a) Machine Language b) BMD c) FARTRAN d) job control language e) None of the above How The a) b) c) d) e) many memory registers would be reserved by the following DIMENSIGN statement? DIMENSI$N A(4,5), B(30), C(100) PRABLM and FINISH cards are used in which of the following instances? as FORTRAN compiler cards | as FAGRTRAN program cards ka as job control language cards Hi as BMD parameter cards there are no such cards Assuming all variables and indices have been defined, which of the following statements is incorrect? a) b) c) d) e) The a) b) c) d) e) WRITE(6,8) MY(I), D$G(Jt2) READ(5,2) KW, X(1) NA(K16) < SAN(2I13) - T DIMENSION CCJ),D(I) none of the above compiler is an example of: Support software Applications software Communications software Hardware None of the above A canned program of the BMD package is an example of a) b) c) d) e) The a language translator an applications program an operating system a service program none of the above initiation and termination of jobs to achieve minimum delay is the responsibility of: the service programs the operating system the operator the programmer the data management programs