2B 7. The last statement in every FORTRAN program must be: a) STP b) (GG TG the appropriate statement number at the beginning of the program c) HEND d) the last FORMAT statement in the program e) none of the above 8. Indicate which of the following FORMAT statements could be correctly used with the statement: READIS 2)IT, X, Io Z a) 2 FGRMAT (2I3, 3X, F3.0, 1X, F4.4) b) 2 FGRMAT (16, A2, 2F4.0, I2) c) 2 FOMMAT(0',.15.:2X, 304.0) d) 2 FGRMAT (2A4, F6.6, 2X, F3.2) e) none of the above 9. All of the following belong in the computer software category except a) the compiler b) object program c) page printer output d) source program e) none of the above The following to fill in the blank guestions count 3 points each. 10. A memory register that will hold but one character of data is called a (an) a ME ll. Draw the flow charting symbol that is used to indicate an input or output operation. 12. "The assignment of specific card columns to each data field is described by the card s 13. In computer jargon, the abbreviation COM stand for 14. On the FORTRAN coding form, FORTRAN statements may be punched in columns 15. Indicate how the output would look if the number 7.25 were printed under control of the FORMAT specification F8.4. Use the symbol A to indicate a blank.