a The following 9 multiple choice guestions count 3 points each be a) b) c) a) e) di a) b) c) d) e) di a) b) c) d) e) 4. In a FORTRAN arithmetic statement the "<" means: calculate the value of the expression on the left and store it in the memory register identified by the variable on the right calculate the value of the expression on the right and print the result on the output printer calculate the value of the expression on the right in its mode and store it in the memory register identified by the variable on the left,if necessary changing the mode of the result to agree with the mode of the variable on the left. the same as the egual sign means in mathematics none of the above Which of the following statements about a FORMAT statement is correct? it is an executable statement. statement numbers are not always needed. it can be placed anywhere in the program prior to the END card. it must follow its input or output statement. none of the above Which of the following is an invalid FORTRAN variable name NG17L THIS3 C AT CH SUMMER79 none of the above Which of the following statements is invalid in FORTRAN? a) READ(5,1879)XNUM,TGTAL b) IF(THIS-2.GT.KGUNT)G0 TG 100 c) TAT < L%%(5/2) d) NGW < T%x%2-P%3,£2,5 e) none of the above ka a) b) c) d) e) 6. a) b) c) a) e) Which of the following numbers in invalid in FORTRAN? -.0632 7,634.63 0.02 0 none of the above Integer mode is most appropriate for numbers used for measuring calculations division identification none of the above