15. 16: ile Which of the following is an invalid FORTRAN variable name? a. b. c. d. e. "K-201 X100 STING ND4SR3. none of the above When a record in a direct access file is revised or updated a. b. a new record is written in a different place in the file. the new record is written in the same place where the old record was located, thus destroying the old record. the data elements to be changed are modified without reading or writing the other data elements in the record. the new record is written on an output tape, and the old record on the input tape is available for file reconstruction. none of the above Consider FORTRAN execution time diagnostics. The fact that a decimal guantity was printed with an integer mode specification iš indicated by printing ine following symbol in the output field. a. b. c.. d. €, HODOM 4% none of the above