11. This 12; 13. 14. Consider the following program segment Ks0 9 READ(5,10)0Z 10 FORMAT(F5.0) IF(0Z.GT.20.)G0T015 GO TO 9 15 KsKtl program segment contains a. da condition controlled loop. b. na count controlled loop. c. dan infinite loop. d. nan uncontrolled loop. e. no loop. In order to determine the economic feasibility of a data processing system, we must develop a preliminary system design and then decide whether or not a. The benefits from the system are greater than the cost of developing the system. b. 'Thebenetitg from the system are greater than the sum of the cost of developing the system plus the cost of running the system. c. The difference between the benefits from using the system minus the cost of running the system is large enough to justify the cost of developing the system. d. The benefits from the system are greater than the costs of running the system. e. none of the above In a system using seguential access (magnetic tape) files a. we use terminals to inguire about the status of file records. b. we update a file record, change it, and write it back on the same tape. c. in order to update the file we must collect a batch of transactions and sort them into the same seguence as the file. d. we use index tables to locate the file record that corresponds to a given control key. e. none of the above. Which operation would be performed first when the following FORTRAN expression is executed MX%2-2%K/(3HL)4 a. 'Dividing by 3tL b. Adding 3 and L c. Exponentiation d. nAdding 4 e. none of the above