7. In a program flow chart, which of the following outlines is used to indicate the beginning of a DG loop? H poe b. e. none of the above | 8. In a system flow chart, which of the following outlines represents a direct access file? a. Gi b. / e. none of the above pen šč 9. If the number 127.48 is stored in the computer as the value for the variable AMI, the output that would result when the variable AMT is printed according to the format specification F5.2 is: a. kkžka bi: 4274 o. 1215 d. 12/358 e. none of the above 10. Wrich of the following functions is not performed by the operating system? a. ninitiating and terminating jobs. b. communication with the computer operator. c. data management. d. program maintenance. e. none of the above