nologies that will have great: strategic impor- tance in the future. se Artificial'intel- ligence technolo- gy is growing at Š šč portant strategic implications for business and society. Actually, I prefer not to say "artificial., intelligence." A better phrase is "auto- | mated reasoning," computer reaches conelusions by reason- ing in an automated fashion. ("2% "There are a great many applications and implications for artificial intelli- gence in the future. The combination o: artificial intelligence and robotics will automate many simple, routine, repro-: ducible tasks. h : rules. It's possible today to automate: many clerical and financial support jobs, . although we haven't automated the jobs of many professionals. However, in the a vast amount of knowledge can be automated. ATES What tasks won't be automated? Ar: tistic efforts or tasks performed by-high- " ly creative people—those, for instance, reguiring human empathy and under- standing: the job of the salesman, leader, / film director, orchestra conductor, mu: sician. AE nja A large proportion of today's jobs may become automated. But how fast will this happen? And what effect will it have on society? ' ' i Obviously, the effects will be dramatic and will happen pretty rapidly within the next 20 years. ie ( Look at manufacturing in the 1950s— about 40 percent of all Americans were employed in the manufacturing sector o£ the economy. But according to some projections, it's likely that by about the year 2015 only 1.5 percent of Americans will be in the manufacturing sector. : Will this cause massive unemploy- ment? If most factories are automated, and if we have an enormous amount of competition from countries where labor is cheap, isn't this going to cause major problems? Not necessarily. We've already seen such a transition in agriculture. One sta- tistic which is rather surprising to us to- day is that in 1900 about 50 percent of Americans worked on farms. That proportion steadily declined to about 20 percent after World War Il, dropping much lower in the 19605, until today only about 1.5 percent of Ameri- cans work on farms. So, the percentage of the labor force in the manufacturing » sector is likely to drop to about 1.5 per: cent by the year 2015. Pi ployment. ing thata future, any task in which expertise can be reduced to rules or tasks that reguire:/" — jts likely that we can maintain close to full employment because the number. of jobs in the service sector today (such as the information and entertainment industries) is steadily climbing. For example, as we get high-definition television, Ka-band satellites and fiber- | optic communication links to the home, we can pick up hundreds of television .. channels. A lot of work will be reguired to create television programs for this fu- ture society. si j jeva "Television is very people-intensive, and it's the type of work that can't be in the future. With the introduction of wideband packet switching, broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) chip sets, multifiber optical trunks, optical switching, intelligent networks and so on, telecommunications is undergoing a wholesale transformation. We need to understand what telecom- munications will look like in 2000 or 2010, given the technology we're devel- oping now. ; What telecoramunications regulations need to be established? Preparing for Future Technology. | And a Phenomenal Rate of Change The Major Trends: e Automated reasoning and robotics e. Job.growth in the service sector e Effective teaching for future technology e Standards for open architecture in telecommunications Unfortunately, universities don't seem to have caught up with computing in the 19705, let alone a vision of what computing and jobs are going to look like by the year 2000. automated. We're likely to see the televi- sion, entertainment and information businesses converge, creating many new jobs in these sectors. H And we'l be moving into a world of electronic books, where you can select any subject and branch into related ma- terial in video, speech or other media. 'The preparation of material in electron: ic form will reguire a high level of ef- fort and human creativity. In an era of rapidly changing, techno! ogy, what should universities be, teach: ing now? iš ; Unfortunately, universities don't seem to have caught up with computing in the 19708, let alone a vision of: what ii What impact will those regulations have on the operators of public and pri: vate telephone and telecommunications networks? In 1992, our communications will be governed by the Brooks Act, which mandates an evolution to open architec- tures to be implemented with the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Reference Model and ISDN. But to move to open architectures, we must have standards, and those stan: dards must be controlled. |. Standards will lead to the manufac: ture of products that are certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. fied to support an open architecture. This will lead to vast networks in which millions of computers can be connected together in an open environment. technological advances seem limitless. However, as these advances 0ccur, we need to ask: What could go wrong? What are the worst things that could happen? dentally drifting into another Cuban 5. missile crisis or some other type of crisis in the Middle East. | al parts of the Soviet Union might cause great unrest in Poland or behind the Iron Curtain. a situation in which events fly out of control, and we could find ourselves at — an inadvertent nuclear war. From our current perspective, future One of the worst scenarios is our acci- Perhaps a breaking away of peripher- 'The danger is that we might drift into risk of nuclear war. Where the Danger Really Lies Much more important than nuclear weapons themselves are the command- and-control computer systems, which set the pattern for events that could lead to 'Today's command-and-control systems are referred to as "meta-stable," which means that, initially, the systems are ex- tremely safe and welllocked. However, i£ we move toward a serious crisis, we have to start taking the locks off. We then move from a fail-safe situa- tion to a "fail-deadly" situation. Our technology is dangerous not, be- cause of the missiles themselves but. be- cause of the command-and-control sys- tems we've built. Therefore, as technical professionals, we should be looking at the changes we can make in technology to prevent the worst scenarios from happening. We're at one of the most extraordi- nary moments in history. Rather than drift into nuclear catastrophe, we have the opportunity to use rapidly develop- ing technology to make an entirely dif ferent and better society. 'The computer field is going to be the most exciting industry in which you could possibly work during the next 20 years. If we look at the model of future technology I mentioned earlier, we're now moving into a period of time in which the rate of change is going to be phenomenal, and we'd better be pre- pared for it. Next week Tll begin a series of four articles on ISDN—an information net: work of the future that integrates voice, text, data and video in an open-commu- nications architecture. H The James Martin Productivity Series, an information service updated. guar- terly, is available through High Pro- ducttvity Software Inc., of Marble- head, Mass. (800) 242-1240. For infor- mation on seminars, please contaci (in. the United. States and Canada) Tech- nology Transfer Institute, 741 10ih St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United. Kingdom (0524) 734 505.