Second of a series of articles on the IBM Re- pository, a sig- nificant compo- nent of IBMs ile sl ZREKLE po V k V Z o | A ud kcal AD/Cycle Repository Open formation reguired for complete CASE development, such as that:stored in the CASE Encyclopedia of Texas Instru- ments' Information Engineering Facility or KnowledgeWare's Information Engi- neering Workbench. IBM is working in- tensively to expand its current Reposi- applications-de- — to velopment. strat- egu for the 19905. The IBM Re- pository, an- nounced last month, establish- MAR VI hi SUAALIN, | es a common standard for de- Sign specilivalions generated by comput- er aided software engineering (CASE) products and other development tools. As deseribed in last week's article, the Repository represents a critical compo- nent of AD/Cycle, which provides a standard development environment, within IBM's Systems Application Archi- tecimre (SNA). Vsers demand an open software-devel- opment environment in which tools" — kom many vendors can be used inter- uteably, sharing specifications from nanon repository of design informa- on. lu defining a repository standard, Jo la Many vendors of sofLware-develop- ment tools claim compliance with IBM's application-development standards; still, is important to determine the level of commitment that the vendor intends to make to the standard. As (he figure shows, there are at least four levels of compaltibility with the AD/Cyele standard for an applications- development environment standard: % Uompliance with CUA. Entails sup- port for a common user interface [or ali applications, using the Corimon User Necess services specified by SAA. ? Compliance with AD/Cyele. Entails use oa conunon slandard for design specilicalions, as defined by (he AV/Cyele Repository. — 2 Compliance with External Source Format. (ESF). ESF is an IBM specifica- iuage used to import/export de- pecilications from frontcend CASE Cross Byslem Produci/Applica- (CSP/AD), the desig- ry design so that it will eventually provide all the facilities reguired by powerful, high-end CASE tools. One of the more pivotal consider- ations is compatibility with the ESF. Currently, CSP/AD runs as a develop- ment; tool only on S/370 mainframes. However, it generates code that can be executed on AS/400 midrange machines and PCs, IBM has announced that. Fout Ways To Comply with Ab/Cycle. Softivare Development Tools May Corpuatible with One vi' cations-development tools and applica- tion models. ESF can be used within an integrated project-support environment to import/export. design specifications to a variety of library and configuration- management tools. To date, several vendors of applica- pra via k ee (edi rv ne OCTOBER 9, 1989 s Door to Standard Design Repository standard, obey SAA stan- dards and create code that's portable within SAA environments. Many users view the introduction of the IBM Repository and the AD/Cycle applications-development environment j as the first steps toward the develop- tions-development tools have announced '— ment of a software-backplane capability. ESF support, including Index Technolo- gy Corp., KnowledgeWare Ine., McDDon- nell Douglas Corp., Nastec Corp., Sage Software Inc. and Texas Instruments Ine. These vendors are committed to producing an ESF tag language to inter- face with CSP/AD. When CSP/AD version 3 ig available on the PS/2 as an SAA application gen- € More Eleihenits n— ni A HGEŠČIN Stat Genjetat John. Avaklan. IBM's Repository will make it possible to use CASE tools from different CASE vendors, all of which interact CSP/AD version 8 will be available on ; SAA application-generation facility. C ESF isa published interface to the Cross System Product. that enables RE edrA vendor tools to connect with — CSP/AD, 1 is represented ns a General Markup Language (GML), which is a hu- consisting - man-readable Y . ESF wilh a common knouledge base of design information. — he PS/2 workstation in June 1000 as an. erator, it will be used to generate exe- cutable code for all SAA environmenits. dai Samice can use Kajne ver- hrough the mec nism of ESF. ; s ke: A vendor might decide not to use CSP/AD as the code generator becnuse of tags — all of the objects hat are specitied by a CASE tool —entities, relationships, data The objective of a software backplane is one of enabling users to select a variety of compatible front-end analysis and de- sign tools, code generators, project-man- agement facilities and other support tools that share design information from a common Repository. j A hardware backplane is based on the concept of plugging standardized hard- ware modules into a common backplane structure. Similarly, a software backplane uses the concept of plugging standardized software modules into a common design database. However, the database needs to store more than just design inforrnation; it needs to be a knowledge base containing all the rule processiny associated with objects in the database. The design repository should be an object-oriented kola me he Repository Contatms de models, process models, normalized da- V vabase schemes, procedural code. The attributes of these objects are then de- | fined in the form of a normalized rela- tional database. Next, the rules that must be obeyed by all of the objects and attributes are defined. 'Fhe database provides the structure of a sollware backplane. In this way, it will be possible to use CASE tools [rom different GASE vendors, all of which interact with a common knowledge base of design information. There will be a diversity of ideas from different vendors and a wide range of views on what constitutes the most powerful tools; however, the tools must be portable, they must interconnect, and they must have integration down the value train across the corporation. One - application in the value train might be built with one tool; a different applica- tion might be built. with another tool. However, the tools must integrate across aj tions. Building a computerized — corporation reguires the acceptance ol standards, as well as a fully integrated development environment. Next week, I will describe a strate for CASE based on the most powerful software clevelopinent technology, H. To learn more about the suhject af' these articles, pleuse call The Jar