' neurocomputer chips, with half a mil- « OCTOBER 31, 1988 ia ogromno o plina go nov rano poto: Modeling Techn paj 1d Pete Ri James Martin ; deseribes the most significant aspects of com- puter -hardware and software in the early 1990s using a model . of future tech- nology. > Cooperative processing: The bigg — Parallel computers will grow in power, and popularity as more and more man: agers realize that the future of comput:' ing lies in parallel machine architec:'"" | tures. However, there will be a great di- versity of parallel architectureš and no , consensus on which will become the.ti! dominant architecture of the future. '' jest. change in computing in the 1980s was ' the spread of the personal computer.' The most significant change in the early : 1990s will be the growth of cooperative i'. processing, in which a user's machine on the desk cooperates in intricate ways.. i v z,with more powerful machines. k t; busi lon rates: Optical '£fibers Imagine the improvement in produc- will be used increasingly to provide ;;; tivity possible with desktop computers s armed with processing power of 15 mil-, t lion instructions per second (mips), spe- .: cialized parallel-processing chips, infer- ence processor chips, neurocomputer -''4' chips, massively parallel machines and widespread cooperative processing. '/: information for strategic advantage. A major feature of the early 19905 will be an international race for domi: nance in the ability to manufacture chips with submicron features. Using ul- traviolet etching technigues, the diame: Improved microprocessor technology will permit widely used medium-priced computer systems to operate at 15 mips," high-end personal workstations at 100 mips, top-of-the-line mainframes at 500'.' mips, top-of-the-line supercomputers at ': 40 billion floating-point instructions per second (flops) and large artificial-intelli- gence inference engines at 500K logical, :. A. supercomputers Powerful single-user ology; Trends; BILI] APPLJED INTELLIGENCE prak vee Intelligent information retrieval: The personal computer user will be con- discs and magnetic storage subsystems used as servers attached to local area networks (LANS). By the early 19905, artificial-intelli- gence technigues will be widely em- Pployed to help the user find and employ reguired information. Highly parallel search engines will become important components of LAN-connected database servers. Computer software: The complexity | of software will grow steadily. By the early 1990s, common sizes for large pro- grams, in million lines of code (M loc), will be: large commercial applications, A. mrčes ske Personal computers for the Early 1990s that are mathematically or logically provable and on using rule-processing to fronted with a deluge of data on optical. | validate the system designs. Methodologies will be developed that ' enable business professionals to formu- late business procedures and reguire- ments in the form of expert-system rules. These rules will be used directly with rule-based processing systems to build applications. End users can vali- date that the system is doing what they want and can change its behavior by changing the rules. Application standards: The early [ 1990s will see a major effort to achieve open architectures, open networks, stan- dards for database access, standard forms of user interaction, standards for languages that achieve full portability, standard forms of CASE repository rep- resentation and standard forms of knowledge representation. ' IBM SAA (Systems Application Ar- chitecture) will have matured and will be widely accepted. It will provide uni- form methods for application software to access databases and networks, as well as standard forms of user access to computers. End-user dialogues increas- ingly will use standard interfaces such as IBM's Common User Access (CUA). Automated tools will assist in the build- ing of common user interfaces. es: Fourth-generation lan- ( Languagi f| | guages (4GL6) will evolve in multiple ways, becoming increasingly integrated - and powerful. By the early 1990s, many šč -of these will be integrated with CASE front ends and will incorpo- rate rule-based processing and inference -engines. Many end-user languages will become application-specific or profes- sion-specific, incorporating the of finance, engineering, science, produc- tion control and so on. i will be accomplished without. the need to remember commands, mnemonics or punetuation, using pull-down menus and an intuitive human interface. Growth of end-user computing: An important continuing trend throughout inferences per second (lips). " m ni - the 1990s will be the rapid spread of icroprocesso: computer literacy among white-collar glih increase in speed will be ob- re č workers. By the mid-19905, the number through machine designs based RE ( tij i bavid Karun. — of personal computers per white-collar on ea such as - s. UEUEH : | worker in a typical advanced corpora- high-speed luced Instruction Set. Com K the Reli . i |. tion will rise to 0.7 or higher. In the se NS ; B LISP biggest change in computing same period, half of all computer hard- Pro TI A a speed | (.'.<) pas the PC, For the 1990s, the most significant step ' a ol mara o pendiHircsi rltmki rocessors wil SEU ' i4 s x : cal advanced corporations will be devot: some PCa. (F: will be the growih of cooperative processing. ed to end-user computing. PErEE ie ie je trlrni t ij: | Next week, we will explore the tech- galgi EN EETEMIU H '. nology of the late 19905. Topics include | : ; ;. major advances in computer technology, but- ..:.1M ioc; large military projects, 2M h CD and microdi : 1y | and complex vendor software, 20M pel O eaiita € ! use of parallelism in software devel Integrated computer-aided software : ment, artificial intelligence and PE lion neurons and conneetions, will be combined on neurocomputer boards fi personal computers that will contain.2 - million to 10 million neurons and con- tt will sma ma-!(/" Li engineering (I-CASE) technology will ! factoring. pni ke a » have matured to the point where it will | P——5—5—0O———————-—————- a analysis, ; recogni vel V be used routinely to develop these large | The James Martin Productivity Series, ije Control očala PIN H systems. System developers will use |. an information service updated auar- Parall Some pan ; powerful CASE workbenches to sup- | teriy, is available through High Pro- - desktop machine, port system planning, analysis, design, ,- ductivity Software Inc., of. Marble- Telephone speech can be stored ind ' |: code generation, database V. nead, red generation, .. Mass. (617. -19. infor- — powlsi 16K k imirk simple: Some tet ka and project: / tepli sei; pori lepa ea fin pressi € lanning opera: sih nited: States and Canada) Tech... import rni ne o oa | zo rama Institute, ZA 10. S, the integration: CASE i | 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2