u, k OE kleni | V H Ni Mi Hi — PE 40 LGASE Tools Stron H € evolve from the planning phase to con- ' Im this, the V tional character'! | available. Keep in mind the following: istics you should. e Some CASE tools support: only analy: look for in these '.; sis and design components and do not tools. A, contain business:planning, ot; strategic- Perhaps the ' planning components." )/i; 0. | v best way to dis- 6 Some are code generatorš with sepa: cuss the life cy- rate planning, analysis or design tools. | de of an ICASE - 6 Some analysis and design. tool kits | have a process-oriented view of develop- ment with no data-modeling capability. tool is to resort z toan illustration. zati s As you see, we've chosen a pyramid. < si 'The life-eycle process, as the pyramid shows, consists of four phases: strategy: '. planning, analysis, design and construc- ai tion. You'l notice that the figure depicts a fully integrated development, method:'" ' ology, supporting all phases of the life, cycle process. ; seb: At the top is strategic planning, which'' encompasses the business strategic plan-''' | ning functions that are the foundation" for subseguent phases of the develop-'' ment process. The next level is analysis, ' wherein a model is built of the funda-"' mental data and the processes needed toj run the particular enterprise. From this v! analysis the systems need is deter- Yi mined. The third level is design with "€; CASE tools. Designs are expressed in rig-", orous, complete detail. The bottom level is construction, where systems are actui! | ally built. čis iN ibiei st S ii li On the left side of the pyramid is data; on the right are activities (or p cesses). Both data and activities are'" managed from a highlevel, manage' ment-oriented view at the top through ' to implementation at the bottom. At the strategic level on the data sid an overview of the information needed Levels of Data entity-relationship diagram. At the data. analysis level, this is extended into a'' overview model of the enterprise is cre''' '': ated, and planning tools are used to re: / oe age problems, critical success peči so on to the functions in the - enterprise. At the analysis level, a model: ; CASE tools, of the processes is created and linked to model "et iso! Sodupeš« - At the design level, specifications for procedures are created and filled out in "' K sufficent detall to drive a code gener: vi, ri.) bina Te ea EN VA OE A || "Tools reguired at tnis level include | [P RPELJED INTELIGENCE N APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ngly Aflect / tools and the generator, so that code is ' " struction, with the knowledge acguired | fifth of six col- | in one phase being used in;the next umns on I-GASE , phase. There also should be'h seamless technology, we''' : interface between the phases. | look at the func- A wide variety of CASE tools are Integrated CASE Life-Cycle Process are used for the four |! Specification of applications should. evolve wi 4 h P h with the vy tools pen CASE tools are listed below. - Remember: A tool ampk SA 1 should not be re- FEBRUARY 6, 1989 l ] | the Development Cycle tegration; between the CASE front-end e Enable the user to employ multiple types of diagrams representing different facets of an analysis or design. H e Enable the user to draw program pro- | cedures with diagrams, showing condi- i tions, loops, case structures and other constructs of structured programming. e Enforce structured modeling and de- sign of a type that enables accuracy and consistency checks to be as complete as possible. e Coordinate the information on multi- ple diagrams, checking that they are consistent, have accuracy and integrity and are complete. e Store the information built up at workstations in a central repository shared by all analysts and designers. e Coordinate the information in the cen- tral repository, ensuring consistency among the work of all analysts and de- signers. : Characteristics of ICASE Too: CASE tools provide a much higher level of component integration than ba- sic CASE products. The activities of planning, analysis, design and construc- tion are supported by separate and dis- tinct workbench tools. These work- benches are fully integrated so that one workbench directly employs the infor: mation from another. A code generator is fully integrated with the design workbench (as opposed to having a bridge to a separate code generator with its own separate syn- tax). The code generator utilizes the same encyclopedia as the front-end planning, analysis and design com- ponents. The code generator employs the facili- ties of reguisite operating systems and database-management systems, including the data dictionary. It automatically generates the reguired database state- ments and job-control language. The out- put of the generator may be fed into an optimizer, which adjusts the code and database accesses to give optimal ma- chine performance. Thorough documen- Še tation is generated automatically. H David Hamum 'The components of an I-CASE tool ( support all phases of the project life cy- : ž ge m VE aaa manner. In addition, H it provides stages of IS development. enterprisewide planning, data modeling and process modeling to create a frame- work that fits many different types of project life cycles. These powerful facili- j ties permit I'CASE tool kits to be uti: | lized for corporatewide information-engi- s pozje soplacena as opposed to pojeta software-engineering appli- Next week, we'll discuss the im ment in productivity that can be TESEN ized with the use of CASE tools. 8 automatically generated from the front: end tools (' ) Integration Is Key The term I-CASE should be used only to deseribe products that are fully inte- grated and that support all parts of the pyramid./This implies that the front-end tools and the back-end code genetator use the same eneyclopedia. A common eneyclopedia should be used to generate program icode, database code, dočumen- tation and project-management infor- mation. | k Levels of Activities igh to construction. characteristics of GASE as CASE if it does not basic functions: pam The James Martin Productivity Series, an information service a ti guar- terly, is available a High Pro- Software Inc., of Marble- head, Mass. 1-(800) 2421240. For. in- (in te alba Sita God Cosi, | inology Transfer Institute, 741 | t | 10th St, Santa M: (219) BORBO Tn ro o ca a a aaa ja enih United Ki (0524) 734